French authorities arrest Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France
French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, the CEO of encrypted messaging app Telegram, on Saturday night, sparking concerns about social media executives’ liability over user content. Durov, who was born in Russia and has French citizenship, was detained at Le Bourget airport in Paris. The arrest is reportedly linked to Telegram’s content moderation policies and its reluctance to cooperate with law enforcement. The Russian Embassy in France has requested more information on the arrest, while Durov’s lawyer called the charges “absolutely ridiculous.” Telegram defended Durov, stating he has “nothing to hide” and that holding the platform or its owner responsible for abuse is absurd. The incident has drawn attention to Telegram’s encryption, which makes it difficult for the company and authorities to monitor conversations. Critics have long accused Telegram of enabling cybercriminals, extremists, and disinformation. Conservative figures have warned that Durov’s arrest could set a dangerous precedent for other social media executives. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski expressed solidarity with Durov, claiming France has also threatened his platform. The need to protect free speech has been emphasized by figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Durov is expected to appear in court in the coming days.