Man murders his family in their 21-room mansion following suspicious changes to wife’s life insurance policy


Support Independent Journalism: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Kamal Family Tragedy

The tragic story of the Kamal family in Dover, Massachusetts has shed light on the importance of unbiased journalism and the need for transparency in financial matters. The $1.25m Life insurance policy of Teena Kamal was altered just days before her husband, Rakesh Kamal, killed her and their daughter in a murder-suicide in their 21-room mansion.

Rakesh sent a fax to the Life insurance company Genworth on Christmas Eve 2023, changing the beneficiary assignments. Before the fax, Rakesh was the primary beneficiary and their daughter Arianna was the backup beneficiary. However, in the altered policy, both Rakesh and Arianna were listed as primary beneficiaries while Rakesh’s brother, Manoj Kamal, was moved to the backup slot.

Just four days after the fax was received, Rakesh fatally shot his wife and daughter before taking his own life. Manoj, who made the gruesome discovery, later filed to collect the Life insurance money, sparking legal proceedings due to concerns raised by Teena’s brother, Sandeep Bedi, about the timing of the policy change.

The deaths of the Kamal family brought Rakesh’s financial issues to light. He owed a Maryland company over $760,000 after failing to repay a loan, and had borrowed half a million dollars from Bedi without his wife’s knowledge. The family’s financial troubles were exacerbated by their failure to repay a mortgage on their property, leading to threats of foreclosure and eviction.

The tragic events surrounding the Kamal family highlight the importance of independent journalism in uncovering the truth and holding those in power accountable. By supporting unbiased reporting, we can ensure that similar tragedies are prevented and justice is served. Every contribution, no matter how small, counts towards delivering journalism without an agenda.