Investors Who Lost Over $100,000 in Extreme Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXTR) Shares Urged to Contact Shareholders Foundation Due to Lawsuit


Lawsuit Pending for Investors in Extreme Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXTR) Shares – Contact Shareholders Foundation for Information

Investors in Extreme Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ:EXTR) shares are facing a pending lawsuit over alleged securities laws violations. The lawsuit, filed by an investor on August 13, 2024, claims that Extreme Networks was suffering from adverse client demand trends and was offsetting these trends with backlog orders in a manner that exceeded what was represented to investors.

Investors who purchased a significant amount of shares of Extreme Networks between July 27, 2022, and January 30, 2024, or those who purchased any NASDAQ: EXTR shares prior to July 2022 and still hold them, are urged to contact the Shareholders Foundation at or call +1(858) 779 – 1554.

The Shareholders Foundation, Inc. is a professional portfolio legal monitoring and settlement claim filing service that provides research related to shareholder issues and informs investors of securities class actions, settlements, judgments, and other legal news related to the stock/financial market.

For more information, investors can contact Michael Daniels at or call 858-779-1554.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.