Hyris Completes Integration with Ulisse Biomed, Launching a New International Group Poised to Make Waves in the Global Biotech Market


Hyris Completes Transfer of Shares into Ulisse Biomed: A New Benchmark of Innovation in Biotech Market

The birth of a new international biotech group has been announced following the completion of a reverse take-over transaction between Hyris and Ulisse Biomed. The new group, known as UBM Group, aims to become a benchmark of innovation in the biotech market both nationally and internationally.

The integration between Hyris and Ulisse Biomed was officially ratified on December 21st, marking a significant milestone in the biotech industry. The new Group, with a focus on diagnostics, teranosis, and healthcare, is set to lead the in-vitro diagnostics industry, particularly in molecular biology, thanks to the seamless interoperability between their technologies.

Matteo Petti, CEO of Ulisse Biomed, expressed his excitement about the integration, emphasizing the enhanced product offering and synergies between the two companies. The new structure aims to provide integrated high-performance products at a competitive cost to meet industry demands globally.

Stefano Lo Priore, founder of Hyris and Chairman of UBM Group, highlighted the joint industrial project’s strong vision and the positive feedback received from the market. The united company is poised to create a unique and distinctive offer in the global biotech scene.

In the coming months, the new management will focus on accelerating team and resource integration to leverage the companies’ shared values and cultures. The strategic plan aims to capitalize on the synergies between Hyris and Ulisse Biomed to drive innovation and growth in the biotech market.

For more information on this exciting development, interested parties can reach out to info@hyris.net. Stay tuned for more updates on the UBM Group’s journey towards becoming a leader in the biotech industry.

Source: Hyris